Wednesday 7 November 2012

A day of lilies

Thursday November 1st
Weather: Cold, wet windy with the odd relief.

I started the day by collecting boards in this handy trailer ready for the Symposia that will be starting this Saturday. A group of people will be coming to do a hands on course for a week and sinking their teeth into our beds and borders.

Paul Harris from Brookfield Plants nursery arrived today with 100 fairly new varieties of Hemerocallis. He was keen to tell us about each plant wherever possible. It was great to have an expert around on such a niche area. We planted two of the same cultivar side by side about a foot apart. We ended up having to dig out two or three more rows of plants in order to fit them in. I concentrated on writing up the labels again to ensure that they would be crystal clear.

Slipping about on this slope with wheelbarrows transporting the day lilies to the bed

Planting out the Hemerocallis:

Fergus said he would never plant a field of Hemerocallis but there are always exceptions

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